Design. Design. Design

Animation. Animation. Animation.

Illustration. Illustration.illustration.

Branding. Branding. Branding.

Communications. Communications. Communications.

Rising Interest Rates - Australia

Client: News Corp Australia and it’s subsidiaries

The COVID-19 Pandemic had an unnatural effect of increasing house prices due to interest rate rises. People in the big cities found themselves unable to afford first time homes, and new buyers found they had little money after their mortgages.

The project was created mainly in Autodesk 3DS Max, complimented by Adobe software for graphics and materials. Illustrations were created in Illustrator and converted to 3D splines. Premiere was used to map it out and export into the correct movie file.

The motion graphic was used online and through mail through News Corp Australia and it’s local newspapers such as ‘The Herald Sun’, ‘The Australian’ and ‘The Courier Mail’.

Website and all assets created by Andrew Bedford 2024

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